Every time a fish bone gets stuck in your throat, don’t suffer. Do this immediately!

Swallowing a fish bone is a common occurrence, especially for people who eat a lot of fish. Though fish bones are often small, oddly shaped, and sharp, the bone will usually pass through the digestive tract without any issues. However, some people may end up with a fish bone stuck in their throat.

If this occurs, the lodged bone can cause discomfort and panic, though it is not usually painful. Due to the common nature of this occurrence, there are many established methods that can help dislodge the fish bone from the throat.



Keep reading for more information on swallowing a fish bone and how to remove a bone, and when to see a doctor.




How Do  Fish Bones Get Stuck?

So when we talk about getting a fish bone stuck, what exactly do we mean?

Lots of fish are jam-packed with itty-bitty little bones that are incredibly hard to remove. Certain freshwater fish, like trout and salmon, are especially difficulty to bone completely. Some chefs may also serve fish whole, with the bones still in.

Needless to say, it can be a bit of a minefield for the diner. If you swallow a bite wrong and don’t notice a stray piece of bone, you might end up with a fish bone stuck in your throat, which can be unpleasant and painful.




What Does A Fish Bone In Your Throat Feel Like?

If you’ve never gotten a fish bone stuck in your throat, you know that it’s a little bit like the sensation of having your throat checked at the doctor. It’s scratchy and uncomfortably, but not necessarily painful.

Usually, a stuck fish bone isn’t immediately dangerous, but might make you feel a little bit panicky, as if you can’t breathe or swallow. Your throat might swell up a bit around the bone, which can add to the tenderness. In some case, you might bleed a little, if you’ve been scratched.

How To Get A Fish Bone Out Of Your Throat?

1. Cough



Your first instinct will be to cough, and you should follow it. Coughing is your body’s first line of defense against all sorts of interlopers, from germs to soda that went down the wrong way.

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